Sandy Navarrete

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Blessings are sometimes disguised in a way our society isn’t built to notice. For example, you may be sitting next to a new friend or a new connection but they are disguised in a “big gray sweater”.  Maybe it’s your next big opportunity disguised in sweatpants and flip flops. Take a moment and look who’s around you. You may notice that that person does NOT look like you or maybe doesn’t look anyone you would “hang” with.

So I start with this. I start with some honesty. I have a love/ HATE relationship with getting ready. It takes sooooo much time and its super expensive to stay “current”. This isn’t including constantly ripping your eyebrows off and keeping your nails cute. Oh and that hair? If you’re gonna dye it, you better make sure you’re gonna be back in 6 weeks. So that’s why you’ll occasionally see me in my favorite “gray sweater”. Yeah, its old and my little sister gave it to me. It’s the sweater I run to after a very long day and it’s the sweater I wake up to as well. There’s days where I just wanna be well, me.

There’s so much pressure on our society to have social status and look amazing. I cannot explain to you how many times I’ve felt inferior or have felt like I don’t look the part or I’m not tall enough. Especially with constantly being on platforms, I find myself changing about 3 times and carrying around a tote with different outfit options. But to get to the point, it made me think of how many opportunities I’ve missed due to someone else’s appearance. Again, we have this culture of like, “let me see how many followers they have and then i’ll decide if i’ll collab” or “let me see how many famous/well known people they know and then i’ll decide to go to their event”. “They have pixelated photos? Oh i’m out!”

I want to live with my eyes open, looking around and keeping my arms wide open. There are so many people that need a friend, yes a friend like you. They need connection and support. I always keep myself in check and make sure that I don’t overlook my fellow “gray sweatered friends”.  It almost reminds me of the "Frog Prince", who is disguised as an ugly slimy creature but with one kiss, his beauty is unveiled. Or perhaps you relate with “Miss Congeniality”, who was like a gorgeous gem but no one ever knew. I don’t want to wait for someone to put their “mask” on or get to a “high” place to say yes to a new friendship or connection.          

What about you? Have you ever experienced an unexpected friendship? Or perhaps you've had a disguised opportunity. I'd love to hear your stories "Frog Prince" stories!